About Len V. Tran
Feeling stuck, confused, or lost?
Len is animated, experienced, and will show you how to R.I.S.E. (Revitalize, Initialize, Strategize, Energize) to your potential and achieve the goals that you want.
With over 25 years as a successful engineer and 35 years of martial arts experience, Len founded Kinetic Mind in 2020 with the vision of helping clients engineered their busy minds to maintain focus and improve everyday life.

Split up by the Sea
Book written by: Len Tran
Len came to the United States in 1982 from Vietnam as one of the “Boat People.” Through many obstacles, twenty-five days at sea, eight months at refugee camps in Hong Kong and the Philippines, and then settled in the U.S.A. with no English, there were times he felt hopeless. With the constant struggling to fit in and being bullied at school and the neighborhood, he felt stuck and confused.
After meeting his karate master, he was taught the art of discipline to maintain his focus. Len was given three keys: control, courage, and confidence, to overcome obstacles and achieve his goals.
Whether it is done virtually or in person, Len will engage the audience with the techniques that will make them R.I.S.E. from their seats.